Mantra Yoga

What does Mantra Yoga mean?


Mantra yoga is a type of yoga that uses mantras to awaken the Self and deepen the meditative aspects of a physical yoga practice. Mantra yoga is an exact science that is meant to engage the mind by focusing on sound, duration, and the number of repetitions. Repetition of the mantras is a means to get closer to the divinity within, and it creates positive vibrations that benefit both the one who chants and the one who listens.


Mantra Yoga
Mantra yoga neutralizes rajas (agitation) and tamas (inertia), which allows the practitioner to move into a more pure state of consciousness. Chanting mantras calms the mind, brings focus, and is great for controlling the breath. Mantra yoga is highly beneficial to the practitioner as it improves overall health and mental stability.
Although Mantra yoga is generally considered an innovation of Hinduism, it has been adopted and developed by other religions as well. Religions like Buddhism and Jainism have embraced Mantra yoga as part of their own efforts to reach enlightenment.
Mantra yoga can be practiced in three ways. The first way is called baikhari, wherein the mantra is chanted in a loud manner. This type of chanting is advantageous for removing unwanted thoughts from the mind in order to make the meditation process easier. The second method of chanting is called upanshu, in which the mantra is chanted in a very low voice that only the practitioner can hear. The third method is chanting the mantra silently to one’s self. This is called manasic and it is used by advanced practitioners. Individuals may also like to use mala (yoga beads) to keep count of their repetitions.
Mantra is divided into two words; ‘man’ or mind and ‘tra’ the technique that quietens the mind. Mantras have a special technique to quieten the mind. As we chant, the frequencies of the mantra go into the being and quieten the mind…If we are in depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, or disappointment and we listen to or chant a mantra, it brings us to sat chit ananda or consciousness in bliss.

1.Chanting mantras stimulates the endocrine system.
The act of your tongue pressing against the palate of the mouth stimulates the hypothalamus, thalamus, and pituitary. When you recite a mantra, you hit the palate with your tongue. In the palate, there are 84 meridian points: 64 in the hard palate and 20 in the soft palate. This vibration emanating from the hypothalamus directs the actions of the pituitary gland and governs the endocrine systems. It is also in charge of releasing chemicals and hormones throughout the body and to the brain. This vibration releases chemical hormones that balance the body and have healing effects. Moreover, the pituitary gland is stimulated through the tongue, hitting the different meridian points. Interestingly, the pituitary gland is formed in the fetus from cells of the roof of the mouth that rise into the brain. This is why pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth stimulates the gland.
2.Chanting mantras help focus your attention.
Often when we sit down to meditate our mind jumps from thought to thought, making it difficult to focus our attention. Chanting distracts the mind from frivolous thoughts, helping to anchor the mind in concentration.
3.Chanting mantras is an effective way to release emotion.
The emotion that is not accepted represents an aspect of the self that is being judged. This emotion causes sensations in the body that you either crave or have an aversion to. Either way, you are reacting and reinforcing the pattern. Chanting is an excellent way to let go of the reaction to the sensation through the throat and heart chakras; in essence, releasing the emotion through self-expression.
4.Mantras align your vibration to create awareness.
The vibrations from mantras have the power to rearrange your molecular structure. Each sound has a distinct vibration, and as a result, each mantra has a different effect. All sound affects your molecular structure. Furthermore, all your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions impact your consciousness. Think about how certain music puts you into a particular mood. Or consider how you feel when there is a lot of noise or when someone is yelling. Mantras are designed to adjust your experience through the subtle vibrations they cause in your being. Each mantra is designed to have a distinct effect.
5.Mantras adjust your vibration, aligning your awareness with aspects of the self and the infinite.
Everything you seek is within. When you feel that you are not experiencing something, it is because you are not tuned into its vibration. When you are vibrating something, you are tuned into it. For example, if you are vibrating love, you will see it everywhere. If you are not, this vibration lacks. This is also how you are attracted to people and how you can experience that aligns with your karmic vibration.

Types and Benefits of Mantra

Types and benefits of Mantra Types and benefits of mantra There are three principal sorts of mantras, Bija (seed), Saguna (with structure), and Nirguna (without structure). The Bija mantras can be utilized exclusively, yet are frequently joined into Saguna mantras to contribute them with an exceptional “seed” power. The Bija

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The Mind and Mantra

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Mantra Yoga

Mantra Yoga What does Mantra Yoga mean?   Mantra yoga is a type of yoga that uses mantras to awaken the Self and deepen the meditative aspects of a physical yoga practice. Mantra yoga is an exact science that is meant to engage the mind by focusing on sound, duration, and the

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